Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Boxes and crates, oh my
Originally uploaded by librarychik.

I have been thinking a lot about my 14 months at my first 'real' library job. I have had the opportunity to expand my skills and knowledge in areas that I have an interest. My responsibilities have been varied, including web maintenance, staff training, database management and more.

But... I feel that there is something missing. I won't and can't go into detail but I look at my welcome my first day of work. Nothing like making a new employee feel right at home. It did get better and I have great colleagues.

I will post new pic's of my space in the near future. I have ordered a new desk as mine is going to a system's tech.



Violette said...

So... That's what your office looked like when you first started 14 months ago? If so, that's pretty rough. I was also treated to various stacks of books and papers and files in filing cabinets that were locked and had no key. Part of the reason why I'm still in MJ is because I don't want to leave a mess like that for my successor... and I'm still trying to get stuff organized. Unreal!

librarychik said...

Sounds like your experience is not much different from mine. My space is much improved and a bit more crowded as three of us share the space and there is constantly new equipment rolling through systems. I will wait until I get my new desk (whenever that is) and upload some new pics.